The professionals of WRC have extensive environmental experience. Types of projects performed by WRC personnel include:
Emergency Operations Plans
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
- Vacant land
- Apartment complexes
- Shopping centers
- Office/warehouse facilities
- Light industrial
- Heavy industrial
- Oil and gas production facilities
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
- Soil and sediment sampling
- Soil gas surveys
- Groundwater and surface water sampling
Phase III Remediation
Limited Site Assessments for underground storage tank facilities
Environmental assessments (NEPA)
Stormwater/Wastewater Discharge Permitting and Monitoring
Wetland Determination/Delineation
Cultural Resource Studies
Air Permitting and Compliance
T & E Assessments
Pipeline safety – permitting and compliance
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) Surveys
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans